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Active Release Techniques® (ART)
Initial ART assessment and treatment $55

Initial visits include an evaluation and assessment of the injury or problem area, as well as treatment. Some cases are resolved in just one appointment, but some may need follow up treatments. Read More about Active Release Technique (ART)

Follow up ART treatments $30

Most injuries require follow up treatments. These are shorter and target specific areas based on the results from your initial visit and assessment. Session  lasts about 10 minutes.

Please choose one of our "Tune Ups" for additional treatments.

Athletes Tune Up  $40

Sport specific treatment, targeting specific muscle groups based on your sport and/or position. This is a fast paced 20 minute ART session  and is used as a maintenance plan, not for specific injuries.  Read more about Athlete Tune ups.

ART Tune Up  $40

This 15-20 minute session is for more than one issue that needs a follow up or if your last follow up was more than weeks ago. The ART Tuneup is also great for general maintenance. For instance, some professions come with its own kinks. Whether you're a dental hygienist, sheet rocker, truck driver or computer tech, your day is filled with repetitive movements or posture.  Prevent work related injuries and chronic pain with this fast paced 20 minute ART session targeting areas you use most at work.

Scraping (Instrumental Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization IASTM$55

Scraping is a manual therapy treatment technique that utilizes specially designed stainless steel instruments to assist in detecting and treating areas exhibiting scar tissue, soft tissue restriction, adhesions or chronic inflammation. This, combined with ART is very effective in treating large muscle groups with chronic pain such as the quadriceps and hamstrings. IASTM is also relatively gentle and can be beneficial for use after acute injury for ligamentous injuries

Rapid Release Therapy

Rapid Release Therapy (RRT) uses targeted high-speed vibration that quickly releases tension caused by scar tissue, adhesions, and both chronic and acute muscle spasms. RRT reduces pain and increases range of motion. Rapid ReleaseTechnology sessions are comfortable and have long lasting effects and are usually combined with your ART treatment.


Swedish Massage 60 Minutes $50

Swedish provides a relaxing experience using artistic hand strokes to rejuvenate the mind and body, while eliminating stress scientifically.

Deep Tissue 60 Minutes $50

Similar to Swedish massage, but the deeper pressure is utilized for releasing chronic muscle tension. The focus is on the deepest layers of muscle tissue, tendons and fascia. Great for general muscle tightness. For specific or chronic muscle problems, please consider Active Release Technique (ART)

Need a longer massage? Our 90 minutes are only $80!

Active Release Techniques (ART)
Scraping (IASTM)
Rapid Release Therapy (RRT)
Deep Tissue and Swedish Massage
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